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The River Street Jazz Cafe

July 15, 2022
Two-for-One Punk Rock Bands Flatfoot 56 and Blanks 77!
America has had a deep history of punk rock since the 1970s. While that may not seem so long ago, the subculture it created expanded far outside of just music. . . .
The River Street Jazz Cafe

June 1, 2022
The History of the Taxman
The Beatles are easily one of the most popular, well-known, and successful bands of all time. In fact, The Beatles have sold more albums than any other musical artist in . . .
The River Street Jazz Cafe

April 15, 2022
The Lizards Perform a Phish Tribute!
The River Street Jazz Cafe has tribute concerts all the time, and we’ve talked about what makes them so great before too. Hearing music you haven’t heard live in a . . .
The River Street Jazz Cafe

February 17, 2022
Enjoy a Night of Live Music with Yam Yam
There are plenty of things to look forward to around this time of year - the weather is slowly starting to get warmer and the nights longer. After a long . . .
The River Street Jazz Cafe

July 1, 2022
Meet RAEL – The Music of Early Genesis in August!
The rock band known as Genesis has a long history dating back to 1967. Formed by five students of the Charterhouse School in Godalming, Surrey, Peter Gabriel, Tony Banks, Anthony . . .
The River Street Jazz Cafe

May 15, 2022
Flux Capacitor & Microcave Live!
Do you know what’s better than one rock band? Two rock bands! On May 27th, the River Street Jazz Cafe is going to host Flux Capacitor with Microcave opening up . . .
The River Street Jazz Cafe

April 1, 2022
Don’t Miss a Steely Dan Tribute by Good Stuff!
There are only a few pieces of entertainment that we can experience live. Film, television, video games, and even reading are all art that we don’t experience live. Music is . . .
The River Street Jazz Cafe

June 15, 2022
Punk Rock 101: Everything You Need to Know About Punk Rock Music
Punk is more than just a type of music–it's a philosophy, an attitude, and most importantly, a lifestyle. The term was originally used to describe garage musicians of the 60s. . . .
The River Street Jazz Cafe

May 1, 2022
What is Jazz? A Brief Guide to Jazz Music for Beginnersn
It is difficult to answer the question, “What is jazz?” in just one line. This music genre has come a long way since its humble origins in late 19th and . . .
The River Street Jazz Cafe

March 15, 2022
Irish Songs You Definitely Know
St. Patrick’s Day is a holiday where we’re meant to celebrate Irish culture and heritage. Irish heritage is predominant in the United States, with more than 31.5 million people having . . .
The River Street Jazz Cafe

July 15, 2022
Two-for-One Punk Rock Bands Flatfoot 56 and Blanks 77!
America has had a deep history of punk rock since the 1970s. While that may not seem so long ago, the subculture it created expanded far outside of just music. . . .
The River Street Jazz Cafe

July 1, 2022
Meet RAEL – The Music of Early Genesis in August!
The rock band known as Genesis has a long history dating back to 1967. Formed by five students of the Charterhouse School in Godalming, Surrey, Peter Gabriel, Tony Banks, Anthony . . .
The River Street Jazz Cafe

June 15, 2022
Punk Rock 101: Everything You Need to Know About Punk Rock Music
Punk is more than just a type of music–it's a philosophy, an attitude, and most importantly, a lifestyle. The term was originally used to describe garage musicians of the 60s. . . .
The River Street Jazz Cafe

June 1, 2022
The History of the Taxman
The Beatles are easily one of the most popular, well-known, and successful bands of all time. In fact, The Beatles have sold more albums than any other musical artist in . . .
The River Street Jazz Cafe

May 15, 2022
Flux Capacitor & Microcave Live!
Do you know what’s better than one rock band? Two rock bands! On May 27th, the River Street Jazz Cafe is going to host Flux Capacitor with Microcave opening up . . .
The River Street Jazz Cafe

May 1, 2022
What is Jazz? A Brief Guide to Jazz Music for Beginnersn
It is difficult to answer the question, “What is jazz?” in just one line. This music genre has come a long way since its humble origins in late 19th and . . .
The River Street Jazz Cafe

April 15, 2022
The Lizards Perform a Phish Tribute!
The River Street Jazz Cafe has tribute concerts all the time, and we’ve talked about what makes them so great before too. Hearing music you haven’t heard live in a . . .
The River Street Jazz Cafe

April 1, 2022
Don’t Miss a Steely Dan Tribute by Good Stuff!
There are only a few pieces of entertainment that we can experience live. Film, television, video games, and even reading are all art that we don’t experience live. Music is . . .
The River Street Jazz Cafe

March 15, 2022
Irish Songs You Definitely Know
St. Patrick’s Day is a holiday where we’re meant to celebrate Irish culture and heritage. Irish heritage is predominant in the United States, with more than 31.5 million people having . . .
The River Street Jazz Cafe

February 17, 2022
Enjoy a Night of Live Music with Yam Yam
There are plenty of things to look forward to around this time of year - the weather is slowly starting to get warmer and the nights longer. After a long . . .